Treating the ‘silent disease’ with advanced techniques in Jacksonville, Florida
Dr. Holly Nadji
September 27, 2019
Treating the ‘silent disease’ with advanced techniques
Periodontitis is known as the ‘silent disease’ because it can go undetected for decades before symptoms become serious – especially if you’ve fallen out of the habit of seeing your dentist and hygienist a minimum of twice a year. But if you suffer from gum disease, all is not lost. Periodontal treatment encompasses a broad range of treatments, ranging from regular clinical cleanings and check-ups to more advanced surgical procedures. Your dentist will discuss your condition with you and thoroughly explain the treatment options best suited to your needs.
What exactly is periodontitis?
Periodontitis is the inflammation of the gums and supporting structures of the teeth. Unlike gingivitis, an earlier stage of gum disease, periodontitis cannot be reversed, only controlled – and that’s when specialist treatment is required.
What causes periodontitis?
The root cause of gum disease is bacterial build-up in the form of dental plaque. This causes inflammation and infection, which gradually spreads to the supporting structures of the tooth. If left untreated, periodontitis can cause the gums to recede and can even destroy the underlying jawbone, leading to the need for tooth removal.
How is periodontitis treated?
Treatments range from robust hygiene care, to remove disease-causing plaque and tartar, to deep cleansing, which involves cleaning under the gum line – a local anaesthetic is required for this. In severe cases, surgery may be required to lift the gum for cleaning and reshape it for future protection. When gum disease is too advanced, tooth extraction is the only remaining option.
What should I do if I think I have gum disease?
The first thing to do is to visit your dentist for a thorough check-up of your teeth and gums. X-rays may also be needed to see the amount of bone that has been lost. Schedule your oral care appointment today! Call (904) 731-1919.